
发布时间:2019-03-28 浏览次数:177


报告 人:美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学王东海教授

报告时间:2019328日(周四)下午 14:00




Electrochemical energy storage systems are key components of sustainable transportation systems and electrical grids, allowing for increased efficiency in energy use, full-fledged utilization of intermittent renewable energy sources (eg. wind, solar, wave, etc), superior power management and, attendant on these, decreased greenhouse gas emissions and energy independence. Many of the foremost challenges in this area are materials-based – new materials are highly desirable to provide stable, high-energy, high-power energy storage for a variety of applications and conditions. The Energy Nanostructures Laboratory under Dr. Donghai Wang at Penn State is investigating many exciting new paths in pursuit of such energy breakthroughs. The majority are presently focused on development of battery materials, and cell design and fabrication –materials for next generation Li-ion battery and beyond Li-ion battery technology such as Li metal battery, Na-ion batteries, solid-state batteries. In this talk, I will present recent development in my group on new electrode materials that enable high performance Li metal batteries and solid-state batteries.



    王东海教授于1997年获清华大学化学工程学士,硕士学位,2006年获美国杜兰大学化学工程博士学位,现任宾夕法尼亚州立大学机械工程与化学工程系教授。2018年被评为科睿唯安全球高引科学家。曾就职于美国太平洋西北国家实验室科学家,多家企业技术顾问包括Ashland,丰田,LG化学和Enpower能源公司等。他的研究领域集中在用于清洁能源的纳米材料开发与制备,用于提升清洁能源关键性技术,引领先进能源技术发展的新型材料研发。涉及电池、太阳能电池、燃料电池、超级电容器和环境修复的应用等。近10年王教授Nature 太阳城集团 (1)Nature Energy (1), Nature Comm.(2)JACSAMAngew等国际名刊上共计发表SCI论文100余篇,申请20多项专利,并撰写4个章节著作。